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Sunday, July 28, 2013

::::: #iLUVdrama! ::::: Meet Jewel! The 2nd of 4 Luvs in Get Christi Luv...

::::: #iLUVdrama! ::::: Meet Jewel! The 2nd of 4 Luvs in Get Christi Luv! ::::: Which 1's Ur Fave? #Comedy #WebShow

Oh Hello, I guess it’s my turn. I’m Jewel Luv, Christi’s super conservative earthy parent Luvality. I protect Christi’s physical and financial matters, as well as her family relationships, health and time management. I make sure she’s dependable, stable, secure, and I help her establish and maintain her values, beliefs and traditions. I also protect her from harm. Looking out for her is a full time job, because she’s always listening to Sparkle, and Sparkle, while entertaining and cute, is like a walking talking firebolt of lightning and electricity, leaving a trail of fast and furious flames of destruction behind her wherever she goes, like a child. So I don’t really have much time for myself, really, because I’m constantly guarding Christi from herself-- and from Sparkle’s chaos. Cause I’m the only responsible one in the group. Although I would easily take Sparkle over Bubbles any day of the week. Ugh. Bubbles. That weird little trippy headcase is way too stressful-- cause eeeeeverythig is new to her. Why are nerds so clueless? Now I’m pretty sure I’m Christi’s 2nd favorite Luvality, because she likes to be protected and have a sense of enduring strength, reliability, tradition, routine, and I do provide that for her. Yes, I can be a bit strict, maybe rigid, some have called me a hyper judgmental prude with little to no compromise. But I get the job done, and at the end of the day, when everybody else has failed or been conquered by their own demons, and all they’ve done has fallen away or lost its soul, having no purpose, meaning, value, substance, or point- After that smoke clears, I’m the one who still remains standing. I’m the one who still remains strong. I’m the one who still remains valiantly and victoriously guarding her castle, protecting her people-- and letting no man’s war or greed-- destroy the kingdom that she has built. I don’t have time to mess around and be a screw up just wasting her life partying at sleazy night clubs, accepting less pay than what I’m financially worth, or complaining about things but never actually doing the hard work necessary to actually do anything about it. Yeah, I can be a hard-ass-- and yeah-- I will test you to see just what you’re made of-- but I’m a survivor. A classy success-- I’m a winner-- and that’s my process. I protect my family, my values, my career-- and no one-- NO ONE-- will EVER take or defeat MY kingdom. So call me what you want right now... But what you will call me in the end-- is UNBREAKABLE... Oh and my favorite color is emerald green, my favorite season is fall cause I like warm weather, and my favorite sign is Capricorn. If you believe in that stuff. Whatever. I have to cook dinner for everyone now-- Excuse me.

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