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Sunday, July 28, 2013

::::: #iLUVdrama! ::::: Meet Bubbles! The 3rd of 4 Luvs in Get Christi L...

::::: #iLUVdrama! ::::: Meet Bubbles! The 3rd of 4 Luvs in Get Christi Luv! ::::: Which 1's Ur Fave? #Comedy #WebShow

Greetings Earthling, I’m Bubbles Luv, Christi’s super liberal airy baby Luvality! I share with her all of my logic, academic interests and analytical proficiency, and I think I make her curious to learn new things and experiment with new thoughts. (blushes) I’m kind of the one who initiates all of Christi’s friendships and I try to motivate her to, ya know, be less judgmental and more open to new things. Plus I motivate her to change and I help her articulate her thoughts clearly, and also, I help her find stuff whenever she’s researching something, and I just like to kind of watch and study things and learn and discuss and, ya know, I don’t like to fight. Sparkle likes to fight just for fun, and Jewel is a strong fighter when she has to be, but I just like to kinda sit back in my crib and just sort of... learn... or play a video game (smiles) Sometimes I can give Christi indecisiveness because I always ask her to ask a lot of questions, because I ask a lot of questions, because I want to know everything, and I often see everything as a viable option, so I do sometimes confuse her, because I think she likes to be more sure of herself, and I kind of make her 2nd guess and rethink everything she ever says or does and I think that annoys her. But I also try to get inside everyone’s heads and see what makes people tick. Cause learning is EVERYTHING.  I’m the one who got Christi into psychology, sociology, astrology, and anything with an “ology” on it, basically I’m responsible for, like all of her knowledge in scientific studies. I’m also the best team player out of everyone because I don’t have any baggage or prejudices or emotional outbursts. I’m very logical and mental. I think more people should be that way. Feelings are over-rated, imo. Oh yeah, my favorite color is sapphire blue, my favorite season is winter cause I like cold weather and my favorite sign is Aquarius. I’m not good with close relationships, but I am great at maintaining lots of acquaintances who THINK they’re my friends, and I always think of them as my friends too, but Desire keeps telling me they’re just acquaintances. So maybe I should change my views on that, since she does bring up some very valid points about relationships. Any way, I wish Christi was more experimental like me, but I think I’m only her 3rd favorite Luvality. She does sometimes complain that I’m kinda fragmented, flaky and all over the place. Sometimes she doesn’t know where I am because I’m always floating to new places in her mind and studying life, so I just sometimes randomly disappear from our Luv sessions without even saying a word, I just abruptly vanish right in the middle of a sen--

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