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Friday, July 22, 2016

Prom King (The Poem)Written by Christi Luv

Sittin’ here listening to an old Linken Park song
Tryna block you out, so I don’t break down and cry.
Thinkin’ about how it’s true, I feel like-- In The End
It really doesn’t even matter how hard you try.
Rejecting my 99th invitation online
To join The American Ho Competition...
Also Known As “Pop Culture Music”--
If stripping and bad girl anthems are the definition.
Everyone’s pretending to be somebody else
The same persona known as “sleazy”.
Can’t be in show biz, unless you’re a whore with this
Soul-selling desperation for fame and money.
And I realize it’s just like my story-- that teen movie
The one I wrote for you so long ago.
Back when boy bands were in, wearing clothes wasn’t a sin--                                                                     And you were on that fun cute teen show.
I wanted you to play the boy-- the famous star
Who was so famous for being a sexy bad boy celebrity.
When really he was secretly a sweet sincere virgin
In love with his classmate-- the good girl-- proud of her purity.
The story was about a rock star turned movie star
Teen heartthrob, who was trapped in a fake archetype.
A mask that’s bad for his fans, youth, and pop culture--
And she was his only way out of the darkness and into the light.
Pop culture hadn’t even gotten as bad as my story said it would be
Back then, it was just a cautionary tale of what I feared was coming.
Now the culture’s so much worse than my story said it would be...
The filthy lengths “artists” will go for attention now is STUNNING
But then I see your face-- and my throat chokes up in pain
When I remember how 1 day-- you just up and went away.
A best friend called to tell me the horrible news that day...
How you ended your life abruptly. Like your existence was in vain.
And I thought back then-- just for a moment--
As the tears streamed down my disbelieving face...
“What if I had finished that film and told you?
Would it have given you just 1 more day?”
I see everything happening the way God told me it would
And He gave me the power to use my pen to erase it.
But I didn’t. I got distracted with college, jobs, family, friends 
And now the guilt weighing me down is so tangible I can taste it.
Cause it’s so much easier to play the victim who needs to be saved
Then to be the broken hero who simply failed to save the day.
To admit that God gave me a mission-- and I wasted it away--
Just cause I got lost in the muck of various shades of grey.
When you died a part of me died with you
But not in the same way a family member is lost.
It’s like you symbolized an important task for me
And when I failed-- you were taken. You showed me the cost.
Now I reawaken years later to see how things just keep
Getting worse and worse with every trashy image and sleazy song.
Feeling like I coulda saved music, TV-- and your life
If I had just followed God’s path for me, instead of going wrong.
The deep dark realization that I’m more powerful than I know...
That “focus” and “communicate” was all I had to do...
It breaks me apart inside-- it shatters me-- knowing...
That I could’ve saved our culture-- or at least-- saved YOU.

Prom King (The Song)Written by Christi Luv

I just wanted to give kids good classic treasure
Instead of monotonously trendy trash.
I wanted to reveal the truth behind sleazy show biz
And empower a new generation of moral class.
But I never completed the project God gave me
I never called you or sent you my plans.
You coulda said yes. You mighta said no.
Either way-- it was in my hands.
Now my eyes tear up as my hands start to shake
My legs go weak - Yes I know I’m ‘bout to faint.
Cause the guilt overwhelms me - I can’t breathe at all
Please - somebody catch me - before I fall...
Cause if I had just finished that story
If I had just contacted you
If I had just saved up my money
If I had just finished film school
If I had just written this song sooner
If I had just done what God said
Would our youth have a decent culture?
And would you still be alive instead?
Oh you will always be my Prom King. Title Hero who saves the day.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. For whom I’ll always pray.
Oh you will always be my Prom King. No matter what they say.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. Today and always.
God-- WHY did you make me feel everything so DEEPLY?
(This is where someone tells me how the fault is not mine)
But when you know you been gifted generously to help the world
And you fail-- you die a little bit inside.
Cause you KNOW it’s your job. You KNOW you’re a leader.
You KNOW you have creativity and sight.
And it KILLS you to see that you coulda saved SOULS
Had you just shined your OWN light so BRIGHT.
Now my eyes tear up as my hands start to shake
My legs go weak - Yes I know I’m ‘bout to faint.
Cause the guilt overwhelms me - I can’t breathe at all
Please - somebody catch me - before I fall...
Cause if I had just finished that story
If I had just contacted you
If I had just saved up my money
If I had just finished film school
If I had just written this song sooner
If I had just done what God said
Would our youth have a decent culture?
And would you still be alive instead?
Oh you will always be my Prom King. Title Hero who saves the day.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. For whom I’ll always pray.
Oh you will always be my Prom King. No matter what they say.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. Today and always.
There are so many things I feel guilty about-- true
Like failing all the people I was created to rescue.
But you were the face of a new “Pure Spirit Day“ too
And when you pulled that trigger I felt that day died with you.
Like I shoulda tried harder, shouted louder, sung OUT!
Organized-- Publicized-- And really rung LOUD!
That bell of truth-- that symphony-- to wake everybody UP
Before we got to this place where every youth’s just given UP.
Cause they see the darkness cyclone twisting all around
Killing music, TV, family-- everything they care about
Adults let darkness kill kids souls like youth are justa commodity
Then wonder why they hate ‘em n act soulless with no core morals or humanity.
But boy, I cried over your death like we were the best of friends
And that’s before the epic title wave of guilt started pouring in.
Now I see all these youths who feel life has no use and-- 
So they end it fast or drown themselves in painfully twisted sin?
These are the broken souls that I knew would show
As the culture got gutter and fell apart.
And if I coulda saved them or I coulda saved you
Just knowing that really breaks my heart.
Cause I’m not the hero I use to be-- full of optimism, hope & faith
Life taught me to trust no 1. Now I’m the 1 who needs to be saved.
I pray 1 day I regain my faith, but til then just remember 1 thing--
I asked God to hug you in heaven-- & I finally finished Prom King.
But if I had just finished that story
If I had just contacted you
If I had just saved up my money
If I had just finished film school
If I had just written this song sooner
If I had just done what God said
Would our youth have a decent culture?
And would you still be alive instead?
Oh you will always be my Prom King. Title Hero who saves the day.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. For whom I’ll always pray.
Oh you will always be my Prom King. No matter what they say.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. Today and always.
Now my eyes tear up as my hands start to shake
My legs go weak - Yes I know I’m ‘bout to faint.
Cause the guilt overwhelms me - I can’t breathe at all
Please - somebody catch me - before I fall...

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