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Friday, July 22, 2016


Poem Written by Christi Luv / Edited w/Contributions by TP

How does it even matter WHAT I feel
When I can’t even fathom that this insanity is REAL?
You “just want me to #FeelYourPain” as your base
But I’m still #mad at how you #SlanderedMyRace!

You rewrote the #Bible, outlawed my #Faith
Used my race to trick people to follow your way
You bullied dissenters, perverted the youth
And worst of all– you murdered the #TRUTH

Now your face is full of all this strife
Cause you think it’s all just about your private life
No, it’s about how you affect others– and your deception publicly
Using my struggle to poison society

Turning everyone against spiritual purity
Forcing me to conform to your sick fantasy
Serving “PC” cool-aid to every boy and girl
Dear God I’m SO sick of cults RUNNING the world!

Now you think I hate you because you are broken
No, I hate the lies you sold that can’t be unspoken
I hate the chains you put on my feet socially
I hate the chains you put on countless minds, morally

I hate how you hijacked– with such arrogance
Marriage, media– and our 1st Black #President
On your magazine covers and White House rainbow menagerie
Like none of you can see– it’s an offensive tragedy

You make your sickness part of our #BlackHistory
At Selma– #Africa– Our #Roots– Our #LEGACY
You’re mad that people say your behavior is #MadHatter
While we catch hell just for SAYING #BlackLivesMatter

You indoctrinate our students’ text books and more
Perverting our kids’ novels at school and book stores
You pay politicians off like common street whores
Now anything about Black people you assume is yours

And I hate how you always want us all to “join your fight”
While you don’t give a flying fig about anyone else’s rights!
Cause we can love who you are– without loving what you do
We can reject perversion– without rejecting you

I hate being bullied by you– insulted, sued & abused
I hate being tricked, slandered, silenced, and used
To pervert “Love” and “Truth”– with such vile manipulation
God help me to forgive– this profoundly deep violation

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