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Sunday, July 31, 2016

★★★★★ HEY HERO! ★★★★★ BREAKING NEWS: You cast your votes! Now the results are in for our #VoiceYourChoice community film contest! And the winner is... drum roll please: POSITIVE BLACK IMAGES! Join the movement by helping us crowdfund these 3 projects! Help us save lives by changing the perception of endangered Black males, and by inspiring self worth in youth, with little known positive Black contribution facts, plus promotion and exposure to real heroes and superheroes that look like them. HERO Is The New BLACK!™ --And The Old Good... Did You Know? Well You Should!™ PLEASE CONTRIBUTE NOW-- It's time to be a hero... Thanks for your support! God Bless! Hugs! :) PLEASE CONTRIBUTE NOW:

$1 (or more) to-- HEROES OF THE PAST: Did You Know? Well You Should! (To Put All of The Missing Black History In School Textbooks & TV PSA Commercials) @!

$1 (or more) to-- HEROES OF THE PRESENT: #HEROisTheNewBLACK! (To Put All of The Missing Black Heroes of TODAY In New Documentary Film & PR Campaign) @!

$1 (or more) to-- HEROES OF THE FUTURE: Teen Superheroes of Color Project (To Put All of The Missing Racial Media Equality In New Superhero / Fantasy Comic Book / Graphic Novels & Future Film Franchise) @

--Be my hero and I will LOVE you FOREVER! :) Hugs & Kisses! Muah! ;)




How does it even matter WHAT I feel
When I can’t even fathom that this insanity is REAL?
You “just want me to #FeelYourPain” as your base
But I’m still #mad at how you #SlanderedMyRace!

You rewrote the #Bible, outlawed my #Faith
Used my race to trick people to follow your way
You bullied dissenters, perverted the youth
And worst of all– you murdered the #TRUTH

Now your face is full of all this strife
Cause you think it’s all just about your private life
No, it’s about how you affect others– and your deception publicly
Using my struggle to poison society

Turning everyone against spiritual purity
Forcing me to conform to your sick fantasy
Serving “PC” cool-aid to every boy and girl
Dear God I’m SO sick of cults RUNNING the world!

Now you think I hate you because you are broken
No, I hate the lies you sold that can’t be unspoken
I hate the chains you put on my feet socially
I hate the chains you put on countless minds, morally

I hate how you hijacked– with such arrogance
Marriage, media– and our 1st Black #President
On your magazine covers and White House rainbow menagerie
Like none of you can see– it’s an offensive tragedy

You make your sickness part of our #BlackHistory
At Selma– #Africa– Our #Roots– Our #LEGACY
You’re mad that people say your behavior is #MadHatter
While we catch hell just for SAYING #BlackLivesMatter

You indoctrinate our students’ text books and more
Perverting our kids’ novels at school and book stores
You pay politicians off like common street whores
Now anything about Black people you assume is yours

And I hate how you always want us all to “join your fight”
While you don’t give a flying fig about anyone else’s rights!
Cause we can love who you are– without loving what you do
We can reject perversion– without rejecting you

I hate being bullied by you– insulted, sued & abused
I hate being tricked, slandered, silenced, and used
To pervert “Love” and “Truth”– with such vile manipulation
God help me to forgive– this profoundly deep violation


After we were kidnapped and built this country on our backs for FREE, Black people are still dyin' in the streets, robbed in the economy, slandered in the media, mass-murdered in church, and completely betrayed by this society-- and poor children got nothin' to eat, bullied at school, while teens know more about the Kardashians sex tape collection than they do about their own history and skill sets-- 

"Oh but as long as they don't say One Nation Under God in the school pledge of allegiance, and as long as they support butt buddies calling each other husband and husband or wife and wife (--which is COMPLETELY INSANE--) because those are the important changes we need to make in their lives", says the ACLU. 

So now these kids can tweet illogical hashtags supporting sexual perversion or atheism or terrorist cults, but they don't know right from wrong, they don't know what they're good at in life, they don't know God, they don't know logic or have any critical analytical thinking skills WHATSOEVER, half of them can't even READ-- and you know they can't spell IGNORAMUS, which is what you people have made them!

And yet you jackasses are more worried about 2 men calling their anal butt-ramming sex life "love" or 2 women calling their oral twat-licking sex life "love" which is NOT love-- because lust and perversion are NOT love-- and you need to STOP slandering, defaming and perverting LOVE-- 

Because LOVE is when you stop kids from being shot in the back for being Black-- LOVE is when you stop letting kids go hungry from economic disparity-- LOVE is when you make sure kids LEARN how to read, write, count, who they are, where they come from, and the difference between right and wrong-- LOVE is when you PROTECT kids from perversion and filth and godlessness, NOT FEED IT TO THEM WITH A SILVER SPOON (oh and sodomy is a sin in the Bible by the way, along with adultery-- you should let Bill Clinton know...)-- And LOVE is when you try to understand and RESEARCH somebody's psychological / sexological disorder and try to figure it out-- cure it-- heal it-- FIX it-- NOT CELEBRATE IT LIKE CULTURALLY LOW-CLASS, MENTALLY DEFICIENT, MORALLY BANKRUPT ASSHOLES-- WHO DON'T REALIZE THEY'RE CELEBRATING CANCER. 

Or a mental illness.

Definitely a moral illness. 

And a spiritual illness.

So you people don't LOVE us. You don't LOVE anyone. BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE ANY CLUE WHAT REAL LOVE *IS*.

But you anal retentive tards think you know EVERY darn thing, so you're more interested in making sure we all get on board with all of THAT blasphemous nonsense-- And you also appear not to mind us all slowly becoming a sharia law culture, just so you can continue to kiss the @$$ of our Islamic money-buddies-- 

Yes you care more about letting all of THAT mess happen-- and keeping us in the dark from it-- than you appear to actually concern yourselves with the REAL problems at hand. Like protecting us from each other-- and rebuilding what's broken inside of our own borders.

Meanwhile, it always baffles me how you're all so worried about ecological "climate change"-- which we don't appear to be able to do much of anything about-- but yet you anti-science hypocrites are mad-quick to deny the very glaring ideological / sociological / biological / psychological "climate change" disaster that's happening right inside of people, in your own damn country and political party, right in front of you-- THAT YOU ARE CAUSING SINGLE-HANDEDLY, which is making our youth and our society and our quality of life WORSE RIGHT NOW-- and you could fix it RIGHT NOW-- but you all took too much money from the perverts, and you don't wanna give it back, so basically now you're their bitch-- and you expect us all to be their bitch too.

But they didn't give me CRAP. I don't have a giant paycheck in my pocket from the rabid psycho LGB biological / psychological / sociological "climate change" deniers. All I have is stress and an ulcer from them. Sometimes I don't even have enough food to eat or juice to drink-- or “female issue” help-- if you wanna talk about “female trouble”.

I got your female troubles.

So I'm mad-hungry and "female troubled" out every day-- sometimes with nothin' in my wallet and only a few pennies in my bank account-- struggling to get by-- and I barely have a tissue to blow my nose with. So I'm pretty sure I don't have any "secret pocket change" money from the sexo-bio-psycho-sociological "climate change deniers" over in the anti-truth, anti-morals, anti-Christian, and yes, ANTI-science LGB lobby. 

And if I did-- I'D GIVE IT BACK. 


Cause what good is it to gain the whole world if I lose my own soul?

I know it's weird, right? That philosophy? 

Bet you never knew people like us existed.

We're called, "The Inconvenient Truth Tellers".

Now go fly a kite you lazy cowardly sell out cult leaders-- I'm sorry, I'm giving you all way too much credit-- I meant to say, "you lazy cowardly sell out cult FOLLOWERS", cause you Democrats don't ever lead CRAP, you just chase/follow ambulances right off a cliff-- with no medical aid to fix anybody. 

Cause you're the ones who are the most broken.

That's why all you guys ever do is try to give every perverted / atheistic / Islamic / whatever squeaky wheel whatever unhealthy societally-damaging thing they want. Because you people don't actually know how to fix what's broken or build what's not there that needs to be. Let’s look at you all as a whole. Collectively speaking: You're not healers. You're not creators. You're not protectors. You're not even explorers, which would actually make sense because that nature would at least match all of your breathtakingly baby-like cluelessness.

No. You social liberals don't heal, create, protect or explore, and you certainly don't morally lead us. You all only know how to throw dangerous toys at everyone, from your big red Santa sack, as you drive by on your parade float, waving goofily and grinning foolishly at us all like that's an accomplishment-- 

And then you call that "progress".

Well I'm done with you all and all your "progress" for an entire generation-- AT LEAST.

Because all your "progress" and "liberation" feels a lot more like "regress" and "imprisonment" to me.

While you ignore all the Blacks and abuse / slander / punish / censor / imprison all the Christian racial minorities that you simply use as props to get our votes, and then you completely betray us and pull the rug out from underneath us as soon as you get the opportunity, once the election year is all over. 

You let normal middle class Blacks get abused by police, as well as underprivileged Blacks die a horrible death, from the inside out, in the nightmarish hell pockets of our country, like “Chiraq”, which you people apparently have no interest in fixing. And you don’t talk about racial media equality or ever giving us reparations for all our ancestors’ free labor. Hell, we never even got a formal official apology for slavery and all the abuse we endured that today’s powers that be all seem to just “magically” forget about on both sides, as if all that abuse, disenfranchisement, and institutionalized racism all just existed in a vacuum “back then” and has nothing to do with “right now”, affecting the minds, hearts, spirits, souls, bodies, wallets and social interactions in communities today. Like A had nothing to do with B. B just came out of nowhere, like-- “WHOA! How did THAT get there???” WTF! SMDH. 


What did you EVER give US??

Nothing but pretty words of hollow unity, which feel more like deceitfully overbearing handcuffs, that are cutting off our circulation-- and slowly suffocating us all to death.

As you all smile stupidly back at us and pretend it’s not happening.

Because that’s how you all live.

In a great big giant irrational, illogical, and impenetrable bubble of dangerous lies.

And as for Christians-- holy CRAP! You’re all just straight up outright HOSTILE to us, with VENOMOUS disregard, in the way you legislate laws, manipulate media, and pervert the constitution. It’s like you hate us. You even turn your back on Christian Democrats who get put in jail for OBEYING THE BIBLE, like Kim Davis. It really feels like the Democrats are only “tolerant” of everyone but Christians-- and anyone with a different point of view-- whose voice you squash like a bug and drown out with loud music and other cultishly corrupt control freak “PC police state” manipulation tactics, as you pretend we don’t exist, and thus-- you pretend we never said anything to call attention to all the things wrong with your ill logic and operational malpractice-- things that you want to pretend are perfectly fine. 

And so-- the only Christians you even PRETEND to like or represent, when you do pander to us, are the BAD Christians-- the IGNORANT Christians, who don’t even know that half the social crap you pervert our culture with IS AGAINST GOD, AGAINST JESUS, AND AGAINST THE BIBLE-- Because none of you “geniuses” were smart enough to read any of the spiritual laws and moral commandments of your Bibles before assuming the powerful title of “Christian”. So you can stomach “Bad Christians” who completely disobey everything God commanded them to do. But you hate the “GOOD Christians” and “EDUCATED Christians” with a freakin’ PASSION. And, by “Good” and “Educated”, I simply mean PAYING ATTENTION TO THEIR BELIEFS-- NOT JUST PRETENDING TO. 

Words can’t express how bitch-slapped, sucker-punched, and drop-kicked in the face I feel by you people, after I supported you all SO hard, for SO long, and defended you SO sincerely, against the obstructionist GOP.

I am at a loss for words.


He was willing to die a gruesome death for you on the cross, despite how frequently you slap Him in the face with all this flagrant disrespect, irreverence, and extinctionist destruction against his greatest creation-- human beings and the righteous, natural biological / sexological technology of mankind. 

And you all claiming to care so freakin' much about our animals and our ecological health / extinction, while you don't give 2 craps about our babies or our biological / sexological / psychological / sociological health / extinction is so ass-backwards, illogical, self-contradicting, weird, annoying, offensive, disingenuous, and frightening-- it renders me speechless. 

How can you all be so dysfunctionally illogical???

Yes, you’re immoral-- but anyone can go through a phase of being foolishly immoral. We are all sinners. But what I am so unfathomably confounded and baffled by is how stunningly brain-dead and illogical you all have been. It scares me that grown folks who are getting paid BIG money to be our “public servants” or “champions of the people” can be so jarringly void of BASIC, FOUNDATIONAL analytical intelligence and common sense awareness. And that’s before we even GET to CREATIVE thought. I’m just talkin’ about BASIC critical thinking skills right now. 

Cause we can disagree on right and wrong till the cows come home-- 

THAT’S subjective ideology. 

But it doesn’t take a genius to look 3 feet in front of them and see how perverting an entire culture, which goes against a whole millennia of history, faith-heritage, biology, and mother nature-- drastically and severely affects ALL OF US-- AND OUR KIDS. It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. 

THAT’S objective logic.

So oddly enough, what scares me most about you isn’t your lack of a moral compass, because that can be learned (with nurturing). What scares me most about you isn’t even the utter lack of your namesake-- democracy-- because that can be stopped (with Trump). No-- What scares me most of all about all you Political Party Platform Parrots-- is your apparent incapability to analyze things thoroughly, judge things rationally, recognize consequence, take the overwhelming MAJORITY (who are “the 99%”) into CONSIDERATION, and see the basic difference between things that are NOT alike. 

Like an apple and a ladybug. 

Or a flower vase and a bottle of perfume. 

Or an oak tree and an alien spacecraft. 

Or my Black race-- and a perverted extinctionist behavior that nature, science and every major religion are all against. 

Seriously-- How can you all COLLECTIVELY not see the difference between “love” and “perversion” / “sickness” / “delusion” / “extinctionist behavior”? How can you not see the similarities between the biologically inward same-gender sex between 2 men or 2 women-- who can’t reproduce the human species together AT ALL, and the biologically inward same-blood sex between a brother and sister or a father and his “consenting adult” daughter-- who can’t reproduce the human species FOR LONG? 

How can you not see that by legitimizing one-- you are legitimizing the other? How can you not see that by encouraging ANY perverted behavior, you are encouraging ALL perverted behavior, subconsciously, in the minds of our youth? Because you’ve ripped down all the walls of morality, nature, logic and truth-- broken them like a dam-- and irresponsibly let the poison gush out of the floodgates with no concern-- or even awareness-- of how it would affect the rest of us? How do you not follow 1 thought to the next-- and CONNECT THE DOTS-- or even SEE ALL THE DOTS ON THE BOARD to begin with? 

You’re like babies. You don’t think about things long enough to understand them first before you follow your often righteously-motivated-but-still-irrational non-thought right off a cliff. Do any of you ever even just simply sit and contemplate deep thoughts? 

Can you even grasp them? 

Embrace them? 

Like how did none of you NOT see how the concept of 2 people of the same biological ANYTHING is inherently dysfunctional, lopsided, off kilter, and lacking the contrasting element to balance it out, so that they can truly become one with each other as a fully functioning force? You’re all so much about “high minded intellectualism”, “rising to our higher angels”, “elitist intelligence”, “unity through diversity”, “caring about others”, “saving the planet”, having “harmony with differing voices” (so you SAY), yataya-- but your biggest promoted issue is all about: 

*biological narcissism, 
*sexological selfishness-- and
*inward self-serving perverted sex that ends the whole human race. 

Which makes no sense. 

It’s like the OPPOSITE of everything you claim to stand for.

I just don’t get that.

And not one of you thought, “Hey-- 2 positives or 2 negatives can’t make an electrical charge. Perhaps we should research this defective pathology and try to understand it first before we blindly force it on everybody.” 

Or, “Hey-- 2 feminine yin energies or 2 masculine yang energies raising a child together and showing sexual affection to each other in front of that child could possibly psychologically, morally or emotionally / spiritually damage that kid later on in life-- or create a whole generation of kids who are completely immune to morality and logic, because they were raised against it, conditioned to irrationally rebuke it, and basically groomed by their perverted parents to embrace perversion-- because that’s how they were INTENTIONALLY trained-- and thus-- how and where they will later lead society when they grow up-- which is further off a cliff... Soooo maybe we should rethink exposing kids to this before we unleash it onto EVERYONE AGAINST THEIR WILL WITHOUT THEIR SAY.” 

And I'm not sure what about conversion "therapy" is so "abusive" to minors, but what IS abusive to children is allowing kids to be adopted by "2 mommies" or "2 daddies", which is like training children to grow up with 2 left arms or 2 right legs, and brainwashing them to think that's healthy, natural, wholesome, normal, good, and logical. 

I mean-- How would you feel if every child grew up with parents who were closely biologically related to each other? What kind of damage do you think that kind of sickness would do to our society as a whole? Would you call a brother and his sister, or a father and his daughter, who have sex, get married, and raise children together a form of child abuse?

Well congratulations, if you do-- cause that’s what you’ve all collectively sanctioned for an entire segment of our society--


Because you all are all just sooooo brilliant, that if you can’t see it with your eyes, touch it with your hands, or taste it with your tongue-- you don’t think about it or analyze it or worry about it. Cause if it’s not tactile, it doesn’t exist to you. If it’s not physical, it’s not real.


And you all being too whimsically absurd to realize it-- genuinely FRIGHTENS me. In fact-- ALL these things about you all scare the living HELL out of me. 




SO WHY THE BLEEP AREN’T YOU ALL SMARTER THAN ME-- WHO IS NONE OF THE ABOVE????!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I’ll just come right out and say it:




In that order.

And that’s why you lost me.

But if Jesus can suffer so much for you despite all of that-- and He still has the Godly capacity left in Him to forgive you all for doing all of this "atrocity to our planet" (and to my race, my faith, and my 1st Black President)-- MAYBE 1 day I will too. 

But until then-- I sure am finding a hard time finding forgiveness in my heart for all the intricately insidious damage that you're all too stupid to even see that you've done.

Maybe if you saw it-- and admitted it-- I would feel differently. Then I would feel like you’re not all insane senseless lunatics, who are completely delusional, living in your own world, totally detached from all semblance of fact, logic, truth, and reality. And that would make me feel safer around you all again. But apparently-- you're all still so locked away in your clueless “big tent” bubble-- that you still don't see it. You still don't get it. You still have no idea the poisonous darkness that you have all unleashed upon our world-- and contaminated my race and our 1st Black president’s legacy with-- as you burn both my personal spiritual faith-- and objective analytical logic-- at the stake.

NOW-- #TBH: 

I will miss seeing The Obamas in the Whitehouse. But I won’t miss feeling like my Christian moral values, religious freedom to do the right thing, and loyalty to the left has been stomped on and trampled over by The Democrat Party, while my race has just been used like a lube gel or prop to help legitimize perversion and create a whole sick culture that’s hostile to truth, logic, and moral honesty, while our boys and men are getting murdered in the streets for no reason other than the color of their skin. 

I have a problem with that. 

I have a problem with "OUR 1st BLACK President" going down in history as "THEIR 1st GAY President"-- because that’s the way it looks. And that’s the way it feels. I don’t care if it’s “politically incorrect” for me to say it out loud or publicly. Fudge pretentious “PC” police state Bull Crap. I’m done with being censored and bullied into silence so I can’t speak my conscience just because some dumb delusional politically brainwashed idiot thinks that having moral values, religious faith or basic common sense logic is somehow being a “bigot”, or that somehow 2 men having anal sex or 2 women licking each other’s twats is somehow the same as interracial marriage -- which is basically saying that perversion is synonymous with my skin color, or that promoting perverted behavior is the same as fighting for Black people's civil rights to not to be harassed, abused and executed in the street by cops or others, just for being Black. 

I can’t believe no one else is as openly offended by that as I am. 

I can’t believe our Black race is so broken and asleep that we haven’t collectively gotten pissed off about this yet. 
We’re still defending people who have yet to talk about REPARATIONS for all of our ancestors' UNPAID SERVICE to this country-- and defend us back. And by “people” I mean “Democrats”. 

But yet if Jews were getting compared to INCEST or The Democrats or Republicans were using The Jewish Holocaust or interfaith marriage with Jews as a prop or lubing gel to help legitimize and promote "same-blood marriage", comparing incestuous “love” to the non-incestuous “love” between a Jew and a non-Jew, saying that “well love is love, and love has no boundaries, so whether it's a man "in love" with his blood-brother, or a girl "in love" with her blood-father, if 2 people of the same blood love each other it would be hateful bigotry "on the wrong side of history" to disagree with that-- just like when Hitler killed the Jews”... 

OMFG THEY WOULD BE SO F*ING LIVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


NO F*ING BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

But yet WE have to put up with the f*ing Democrats turning our 1st Black President into the f*ing 1st GAY president, perverting his presidency-- AND our race-- just so they can collect BIG donation money from the “same-gender sex” lobbyists. 

Look-- I’m all for PHYSICALLY protecting “same-gender-sex” gays, “same-blood-sex” incestors, and all the other morally / psychologically perverted biological narcissists with their sexological disorder out there. 

I might even be OK with some type of NON-CHURCH civil union THAT ISN'T CALLED MARRIAGE-- OR PROMOTED IN OUR SOCIETY AS GOOD, HEALTHY, NORMAL OR OK-- and allowing them to see each other in hospitals, etc.

What perverted things people do in their private lives is not my interest. 

But pretentiously forcing that ish into my life or my storyline or my faith or my race or my education system or my media or my culture, and hijacking something beautiful that was created by the CHURCH, and made specifically to spiritually bless a union under God's grace, and encourage families to stay together and PROCREATE-- SOMETHING HOMOSEXUALS CAN'T DO AT ALL-- AND INCESTORS CAN'T DO FOR LONG-- RENDERING THEIR BEHAVIOR "EXTINCTIONIST"-- I have a problem with that.

Also-- I am NOT OK with being bullied out of free speech and into silence.

I am NOT OK with slandering and perverting the word and meaning of "LOVE".

I am NOT OK with having my right to be true to my Christian faith, gut instinct morals, and intellectual logic-- or all of that, being outlawed, both legally and socially-- 

And I'm not OK with Jews and Muslims who actually are devout followers of the moral tenants in their religious faith getting the same treatment over this issue.

(If that even happens, I'm not sure, cause all I ever see is Christians getting kicked in the face, burned at the stake, and left for dead by the Democrats who we use to support...)

But also, I am NOT OK with brainwashing kids to think that wrong is right, unhealthy is healthy, perverted is pure, bad is good, up is down, in is out, whatever-- just completely screwing up their moral intelligence, analytical logic, and basic sense of truth-- and the right to express it freely-- I am SO not OK with that.

I am NOT OK with the insidious nature of sneaking things through the back door without our consent, knowledge or say, like getting the supreme court to legislate unconstitutional laws against the majority of us, for a tiny 1% perverted fraction of our society-- which is UNDEMOCRATIC-- and a big reason why I'm voting for Trump-- so he can put conservative judges on the bench.

I am NOT OK with perversion taking over our whole culture, being bombarded with sexually perverse and explicit behavior on every TV show I turn on in our home, or in our schools, taking parents' rights and authority away, indoctrinating kids with godlessness, perversion, liberal propaganda, and child porn in common core books, in our education system-- and wherever else.

I am NOT OK with everybody pretending this crap "won't affect you" when all it's DONE is affect us, to the point of LGB fanatics sending death threats to pastors, shutting down little old lady cake shops, getting people fired for not embracing their sickness, tyrannically bullying churches, charities and nonprofit organizations to do their will of supporting their perverted behavior or lose their tax exempt status, harassing, terrorizing, abusing, physically assaulting, and suing people for not approving of their immoral extinctionist LITERALLY *REGRESSIVE* behavior. 

Even *I* got shoved into a glass door by a fanatical homosexual employee of the store I was in because he was mad that I didn't agree with his point of view / behavior and he flipped the f*** out when I brought up nature and how 2 men or 2 women can't make a baby, so obviously there's something wrong with it, even if you're not religious you can see that it's negative-- because it's illogical / unhealthy / extinctionist / whatever-- it's anti-human species, because if we were all gay our species would literally END-- and when I logically stated those FACTS in a completely NICE and NON-antagonizing way-- he blew a gasket JUST BECAUSE I POLITELY STATED A BIOLOGICAL FACT OF SCIENCE!! I DIDN'T CONDEMN HIM! IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION! BUT HE LOST HIS FRIGGIN' MIND! WTF IS THAT???!!!


That's what it is.


You people are INSANE.

And you need spiritual and clinical HELP-- not a damn parade.

Cause yall are insatiable. NOTHING is EVER enough for you.
We give you space on the civil rights book shelf next to OUR Black Struggle in bookstores and libraries-- You want a parade.

We give you a parade-- You want to be promoted in our kids' public school education books system.

We give you promotion in our kids' public school education books system-- You want adoption rights.

We give you adoption rights-- You want gay marriage.

We give you gay marriage-- You want the whole freakin' mainstream media to promote your behavior.

We give you the whole freakin' mainstream media to promote your behavior-- You want to rewrite the Bible and force churches to promote your perverted behavior-- or threaten to lobby the government to take their tax exempt status away-- which would COMPLETELY DESTROY THE CHURCH AND OUR WHOLE FAITH CULTURE AND MORAL INSTITUTION ALL TOGETHER.




And why will NO ONE admit that just like incest and every other sexual behavior, homosexualty IS a SOCIALLY CONTAGIOUS sickness that wayward kids and weak-minded adults just follow along with blindly-- even though we all know THEY WERE *NOT* BORN THAT WAY??? 

And how every gay person I've ever met tried to turn somebody out-- PROUDLY-- and GLOATED about how they successfully turned a straight person gay, bi or thought they were "making progress" (usually trying to turn straight married men gay, which is also adultery and homewrecking and spreading disease to the wife and kids)-- but we NEVER talk about THAT dark fact-- and how f*d up it is-- or get to even HEAR about that or ANY other basic fundamental discussion about the reality of this behavior and other behavioral diseases that are plaguing the moral fabric of both our youth and our culture as a whole. 

We have enough heterosexual immorality to fight in porn culture, hip hop ho culture, sleazy sodomy culture and so on-- so we really can't handle much more.

But we're not even allowed to talk about how some gays were NOT "born that way" and how many more were "made that way" by sexual assault or other abuse or lopsided upbringing / psychology. Almost every gay person I've ever gotten to know admitted that they were sexually assaulted at some point in their life BEFORE they became gay / bi / whatever. 

So this is a PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUE-- but the Democrats who are supposed to be all about "science" and "logic" and "facts" have absolutely ZERO interest in "science" and "logic" and "facts" when it comes to psychology, biology, sexology, sociology-- or anything else that could piss off their high-paying perverted lobby constituents-- who wield AAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL this power-- when they are only ONE FREAKING PERCENT OF OUR ENTIRE FREAKING POPULATION. 

Yes, that's only *1%*. 

Of 100%.

Of the whole population.

Meanwhile, we Blacks are at LEAST 14% of the population --AND WE F*ING BUILT THIS PLACE ON OUR F*ING BACKS FOR F*ING *FREE*-- and we still can't even say, "Black Lives Matter", without some asshole bitching at us with a "No-- ALL LIVES MATTER" like a f*ing moron who doesn't realize that THAT'S THE WHOLE F*ING POINT OF BLACK LIVES MATTER!!! 



But that's not cool.

Gay marriage and perverts making out on TV in front of your kids is cool.

But Black Lives Mattering is not cool.

That's the kind of society we live in.

And the Democrats helped create that-- while claiming to love and care about us sooooo much.

Bull sh*t.

The Democrats are liars. 

Just like I use to think of the GOP. 

Both sides are corrupted. 

Both sides need to clean house. 

But the GOP is at least STANDARD corruption. I dunno how to explain it, but as stinky as they've been, especially blocking our 1st Black President from doing a lot (and yet somehow were unable to block the rich perverts from pushing their delusional agenda through)-- still somehow they feel like a breath of fresh air right now. Because they aren't pandering and catering to every stupid whim of every insatiably delusional psycho. 

And The Democrats call The Republicans racist, but TBH-- I've never heard, seen or felt anything more racist than comparing my race and my race's struggles to a sexual perversion of a 1% immoral dysfunction / abnormal disorder, and using our race manipulatively to legitimize this blasphemous EXTINCTIONIST nonsense, while we get blown up in churches and on the street just for driving while Black, and THAT'S not a CRISIS-- but somehow "butt buddies" is. 

All the older kids who can't read, or don't know what they're good at, or can't focus cause they're so hungry and starving-- THAT'S not a CRISIS-- But somehow making sure they're OK with 2 men having sex or 2 women "scissoring" each other and calling that INSANE bull crap "marriage" or "love" and making sure they don't say "One Nation Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance-- THESE are the changes that the Democrats feel are the most important ones to make in our children's lives. Making them godless perverts with a fundamentally broken moral compass and no critical thinking skills, logic, analytical ability or creative thought whatsoever. Just brainless followers of celebrity sex tape pop culture. 

I can't take it. 

I just can't take it any more. 

I can't do this any further. 

I can't pretend any longer. 

I can't bite my tongue any longer. 

I can't LIE any longer. 

Because that's what I feel like the meaning of "Democrat" is now. It means "to live in a lie that makes no sense and then force it down everyone's throats, and if they don't accept it, you demonize, vilify and/or terrorize/punish them until they do". 

That's fascism. 

And godlessness. 

And insanity. 

PC culture can't replace my Bible or my logic or my gut instincts. 
And I'm not sure if I can or will ever truly forgive the Democratic party for turning MY 1st Black President into THEIR 1st GAY president-- The President of Perversion. Poisoning his legacy with this insidious filth. And ruining our culture like this? All the things you could have done for the perverts: You could have focused on physically protecting them. You could have focused on reconnecting them with their families or parents who maybe cut them off and disowned them. You could have focused on researching their behavior to find the root cause of it, to help them AND us better understand it, and possibly look for a clinical cure, if not a spiritual one through prayer. 

Our whole country needs prayer. Cause our whole society is freakin possessed. We need an exorcist. Darkness has taken over in a myriad of ways and it's disguising itself as "love" and "equality" and "rainbows"-- among other things-- LITERALLY. If you called it what it is: "sexual lust" and "sexual perversion" and "sexual behavioral disorders", I would feel less freaked out about it. But the cultish fascist fraudulent nature of the whole delusional madness is so freaky, it's almost as if "the cover up is scarier than the crime". 


And then constantly using MY race and MY gender to legitimize it, like using us as the lube to mount society with it... That deviously deceptive method of tricking society into following the wolf off the cliff, after tricking everyone into actually believing that the naked emperor is wearing clothes WHEN HE'S CLEARLY NAKED is about the most infuriating-- frightening-- and frustrating feeling I think I have ever felt in politics. 

Cause we know this country's racist. 

We know ever since the country was stolen from the Indians and slave-worked by the kidnapped Africans that this country has never NOT had racial issues. 

I grew up in all-White private schools. So I know ALLLLLLLLL the subtle discrete-- as well as not so subtle and discrete-- nuances of racism in this country. 

But I also know we got the insanity of sexually perverse "marriage equality" before we even got the BASIC FAIRNESS of racially diverse "media equality" and TRUTH in HISTORY CLASS. 

Hey Black people-- we helped get 2 men and 2 women making out and humping each other in bed on DOZENS of both primetime broadcast and cable TV shows for our kids to see whenever they turn on TV and flip the channel-- by letting Democrats use our civil rights struggle to legitimize the sexually perverse hijacking of marriage (which was created by the CHURCH-- not the GOVERNMENT)-- yet we STILL don't have a legitimate Black Superhero movie franchise or ANY thorough, informative Black History courses about all of our COUNTLESS contributions to America and the world, all our geniuses, all our heroes, all our great royal kings and queens of Africa, cowboys and epic love for each other-- in the public school system.

And we're still gettin' shot in the street just for being Black.


The Democrats have done so much for us.

We've accomplished so much. 

Being used to defend perversion while still getting slandered and trashed in the "liberal media", still getting ignored in the education system (unless it's the usual MLK / Rosa Parks stuff)-- and still getting abused by police and neglected in crazy cities like Chiraq.

Now I still love President Obama, and the 1st Lady, and their girls-- I really do like their whole family-- and I think they're BEAUTIFUL-- actually BETTER than the KENNEDYS--

So I don't exactly relish the idea of voting for the same guy who proudly pushed "birtherism", trash talking Obama, and trying to pretend he wasn't American or whatever they were saying back then.

But I'm so upset with the Democrats I could spit.

And I'm kinda mad that President Obama didn't stop any of this, or at least see any of it, and feel strongly enough about it to say anything about it.

We went HARD for Obama. And I mean HARD. TWICE!! We were "all in" for this man.

And I don't feel I got the same "HARD" "all in" love back in return.

But the perverted people sure as crap did.

So there ya go.

Yall lefties can rely entirely on perverted minds to pull that lever for you in November.

Meanwhile, I'm going to the other side-- both to stop your insanity--

And to teach you a lesson.

One that I hope you will #NEVER forget...

Friday, July 22, 2016


Poem Written by Christi Luv / Edited w/Contributions by TP

How does it even matter WHAT I feel
When I can’t even fathom that this insanity is REAL?
You “just want me to #FeelYourPain” as your base
But I’m still #mad at how you #SlanderedMyRace!

You rewrote the #Bible, outlawed my #Faith
Used my race to trick people to follow your way
You bullied dissenters, perverted the youth
And worst of all– you murdered the #TRUTH

Now your face is full of all this strife
Cause you think it’s all just about your private life
No, it’s about how you affect others– and your deception publicly
Using my struggle to poison society

Turning everyone against spiritual purity
Forcing me to conform to your sick fantasy
Serving “PC” cool-aid to every boy and girl
Dear God I’m SO sick of cults RUNNING the world!

Now you think I hate you because you are broken
No, I hate the lies you sold that can’t be unspoken
I hate the chains you put on my feet socially
I hate the chains you put on countless minds, morally

I hate how you hijacked– with such arrogance
Marriage, media– and our 1st Black #President
On your magazine covers and White House rainbow menagerie
Like none of you can see– it’s an offensive tragedy

You make your sickness part of our #BlackHistory
At Selma– #Africa– Our #Roots– Our #LEGACY
You’re mad that people say your behavior is #MadHatter
While we catch hell just for SAYING #BlackLivesMatter

You indoctrinate our students’ text books and more
Perverting our kids’ novels at school and book stores
You pay politicians off like common street whores
Now anything about Black people you assume is yours

And I hate how you always want us all to “join your fight”
While you don’t give a flying fig about anyone else’s rights!
Cause we can love who you are– without loving what you do
We can reject perversion– without rejecting you

I hate being bullied by you– insulted, sued & abused
I hate being tricked, slandered, silenced, and used
To pervert “Love” and “Truth”– with such vile manipulation
God help me to forgive– this profoundly deep violation

Prom King (The Poem)Written by Christi Luv

Sittin’ here listening to an old Linken Park song
Tryna block you out, so I don’t break down and cry.
Thinkin’ about how it’s true, I feel like-- In The End
It really doesn’t even matter how hard you try.
Rejecting my 99th invitation online
To join The American Ho Competition...
Also Known As “Pop Culture Music”--
If stripping and bad girl anthems are the definition.
Everyone’s pretending to be somebody else
The same persona known as “sleazy”.
Can’t be in show biz, unless you’re a whore with this
Soul-selling desperation for fame and money.
And I realize it’s just like my story-- that teen movie
The one I wrote for you so long ago.
Back when boy bands were in, wearing clothes wasn’t a sin--                                                                     And you were on that fun cute teen show.
I wanted you to play the boy-- the famous star
Who was so famous for being a sexy bad boy celebrity.
When really he was secretly a sweet sincere virgin
In love with his classmate-- the good girl-- proud of her purity.
The story was about a rock star turned movie star
Teen heartthrob, who was trapped in a fake archetype.
A mask that’s bad for his fans, youth, and pop culture--
And she was his only way out of the darkness and into the light.
Pop culture hadn’t even gotten as bad as my story said it would be
Back then, it was just a cautionary tale of what I feared was coming.
Now the culture’s so much worse than my story said it would be...
The filthy lengths “artists” will go for attention now is STUNNING
But then I see your face-- and my throat chokes up in pain
When I remember how 1 day-- you just up and went away.
A best friend called to tell me the horrible news that day...
How you ended your life abruptly. Like your existence was in vain.
And I thought back then-- just for a moment--
As the tears streamed down my disbelieving face...
“What if I had finished that film and told you?
Would it have given you just 1 more day?”
I see everything happening the way God told me it would
And He gave me the power to use my pen to erase it.
But I didn’t. I got distracted with college, jobs, family, friends 
And now the guilt weighing me down is so tangible I can taste it.
Cause it’s so much easier to play the victim who needs to be saved
Then to be the broken hero who simply failed to save the day.
To admit that God gave me a mission-- and I wasted it away--
Just cause I got lost in the muck of various shades of grey.
When you died a part of me died with you
But not in the same way a family member is lost.
It’s like you symbolized an important task for me
And when I failed-- you were taken. You showed me the cost.
Now I reawaken years later to see how things just keep
Getting worse and worse with every trashy image and sleazy song.
Feeling like I coulda saved music, TV-- and your life
If I had just followed God’s path for me, instead of going wrong.
The deep dark realization that I’m more powerful than I know...
That “focus” and “communicate” was all I had to do...
It breaks me apart inside-- it shatters me-- knowing...
That I could’ve saved our culture-- or at least-- saved YOU.

Prom King (The Song)Written by Christi Luv

I just wanted to give kids good classic treasure
Instead of monotonously trendy trash.
I wanted to reveal the truth behind sleazy show biz
And empower a new generation of moral class.
But I never completed the project God gave me
I never called you or sent you my plans.
You coulda said yes. You mighta said no.
Either way-- it was in my hands.
Now my eyes tear up as my hands start to shake
My legs go weak - Yes I know I’m ‘bout to faint.
Cause the guilt overwhelms me - I can’t breathe at all
Please - somebody catch me - before I fall...
Cause if I had just finished that story
If I had just contacted you
If I had just saved up my money
If I had just finished film school
If I had just written this song sooner
If I had just done what God said
Would our youth have a decent culture?
And would you still be alive instead?
Oh you will always be my Prom King. Title Hero who saves the day.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. For whom I’ll always pray.
Oh you will always be my Prom King. No matter what they say.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. Today and always.
God-- WHY did you make me feel everything so DEEPLY?
(This is where someone tells me how the fault is not mine)
But when you know you been gifted generously to help the world
And you fail-- you die a little bit inside.
Cause you KNOW it’s your job. You KNOW you’re a leader.
You KNOW you have creativity and sight.
And it KILLS you to see that you coulda saved SOULS
Had you just shined your OWN light so BRIGHT.
Now my eyes tear up as my hands start to shake
My legs go weak - Yes I know I’m ‘bout to faint.
Cause the guilt overwhelms me - I can’t breathe at all
Please - somebody catch me - before I fall...
Cause if I had just finished that story
If I had just contacted you
If I had just saved up my money
If I had just finished film school
If I had just written this song sooner
If I had just done what God said
Would our youth have a decent culture?
And would you still be alive instead?
Oh you will always be my Prom King. Title Hero who saves the day.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. For whom I’ll always pray.
Oh you will always be my Prom King. No matter what they say.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. Today and always.
There are so many things I feel guilty about-- true
Like failing all the people I was created to rescue.
But you were the face of a new “Pure Spirit Day“ too
And when you pulled that trigger I felt that day died with you.
Like I shoulda tried harder, shouted louder, sung OUT!
Organized-- Publicized-- And really rung LOUD!
That bell of truth-- that symphony-- to wake everybody UP
Before we got to this place where every youth’s just given UP.
Cause they see the darkness cyclone twisting all around
Killing music, TV, family-- everything they care about
Adults let darkness kill kids souls like youth are justa commodity
Then wonder why they hate ‘em n act soulless with no core morals or humanity.
But boy, I cried over your death like we were the best of friends
And that’s before the epic title wave of guilt started pouring in.
Now I see all these youths who feel life has no use and-- 
So they end it fast or drown themselves in painfully twisted sin?
These are the broken souls that I knew would show
As the culture got gutter and fell apart.
And if I coulda saved them or I coulda saved you
Just knowing that really breaks my heart.
Cause I’m not the hero I use to be-- full of optimism, hope & faith
Life taught me to trust no 1. Now I’m the 1 who needs to be saved.
I pray 1 day I regain my faith, but til then just remember 1 thing--
I asked God to hug you in heaven-- & I finally finished Prom King.
But if I had just finished that story
If I had just contacted you
If I had just saved up my money
If I had just finished film school
If I had just written this song sooner
If I had just done what God said
Would our youth have a decent culture?
And would you still be alive instead?
Oh you will always be my Prom King. Title Hero who saves the day.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. For whom I’ll always pray.
Oh you will always be my Prom King. No matter what they say.
Yes you will always be my Prom King. Today and always.
Now my eyes tear up as my hands start to shake
My legs go weak - Yes I know I’m ‘bout to faint.
Cause the guilt overwhelms me - I can’t breathe at all
Please - somebody catch me - before I fall...