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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Help #HeroIsTheNewBlack! The Black Superhero Project!

Hey Friends! It's time to change minds and save lives so kids will stop dying, getting caged, and losing hope in life! Lets bring #PURPOSE back to a lost and hurting youth! As my facebook friend, I need you to help us #crowdfund our 1st Black Superhero Film Script and Novel Series on #GoFundMe @ TODAY!
--And support our Black Contribution Facts TV PSA series and compilation book, based on our PBS Documentary, Did You Know: Well You Should​ on #Indiegogo NEXT WEEK @!
Will you please share our #Hero Movement with your friends, Crowdfund The Race 4 Hope: HERO IS THE NEW BLACK​ and spread the word that #HeroIsTheNewBlack? Thank you so much for your support! You're #MY HERO-- and you're doing an #AWESOME GREAT THING for #ALL SOCIETY!!! God Bless You!!! :)

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