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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

CNN Mo Ivory on Newly Discovered Audio of Actual Gunshots in Mike Brown ...

BREAKING NEWS: Audio Recording of Mike Brown Shooting in Ferguson shows that cop Darren Wilson PAUSED before shooting 2nd round of bullets into Mike Brown, proving that his shots were premeditated murder. Anyone dumb enough to suggest that a teenager who's been shot and shot at 6 times would then suddenly run into another hail of bullets just so the guy shooting at him could finish him off apparently doesn't have any common sense. Nobody does that. This kid stopped and surrendered when he got shot and shot at 6 times, thinking it was his only way to live, but instead, got executed by a psycho with a deadly weapon and a license to kill, simply for being a mischievous teenager. Death penalty for being a young Black male in a foolish situation. And even if he was smoking pot, those drugs mellow people out. They don't hype people up. So whether Mike Brown was surrendering or running away, he was NOT running TOWARDS the cop, because that would suggest he was stupid enough to run TOWARDS his death, into a hail of bullets looking to finish him off. Nobody's that stupid. NOBODY. Pot or not. This was murder. And it's time these police get policed before more people (of ALL races and ages) get murdered, all because nobody was brave enough to stand up to a system of darkness that is plaguing our country and killing the American Dream.

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