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Thursday, July 25, 2013

George Zimmerman Juror B29 FULL Interview George Zimmerman Got Away wi...

#JurorB29 "#Zimmerman Got Away w/Murder of #Trayvon" There will be NO stacked white jurors @the judgement seat of God...

"THOU SHALT NOT KILL" - Was this killing justified? A stacked white jury says, yes. The only non-white juror says, he got away with murder. After 2 of the 5 White jurors originally said that Zimmerman was guilty of manslaughter and deserved to serve time in prison for his crime. Like most of this country. Half the White people say his killing was justified, while the other half of Whites say it wasn't. So pundits say that means the whole country is split in half, as if only White perception and White voices count.

Oh how the arrogant presumption of total supremacy reigns supreme.

Are you born to think so narcissistically or does the dominant culture condition you to think that way? I really want to know if its internal nature that CAN'T be cured or if it's external nurture that CAN be cured?

Cause half this country isn't even White any more-- or haven't you noticed? Yeah media doesn't reflect it, because the media is still controlled by greedy narcissists.

But almost all non-Whites in America (and people of ALL races OUTSIDE of America), including the overwhelming majority of all AWESOME Hispanics, all know from what they've witnessed in testimony, evidence and horribly executed (LACK OF) due process, from the top of this case with the lazy, Reno 911 Sanford Police in Feb 2012, all the way to the bottom of this case with the dense, evidence-withholding judge, the lazy, incompetent prosecution and the confused, conflicted jury in July 2013, on top of their own 1st hand non-White experiences in America, historical education of White racial abuse on Blacks and non-Whites in America, and common sense psychological pathology understanding in America, that this was either murder or manslaughter-- or manslaughter that became murder at the last minute.

But either way--

It was a CRIME PUNISHABLE UNDER THE LAW-- if you work with the law to the best of your ability-- AND YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE WORKING WITH, and most of us know that Zimmerman is a murderer, but ALL of us know that Florida is now setting a very DANGEROUS precedent for vigilante murder in our country, be it racially motivated, age motivated, height motivated, gender motivated, fashion motivated, or simply bipolar-mood-swing motivated--

It's not even about race any more--

It's about MURDER--

Yes, according to The Stand Your Ground Law, all you have to do is call your murder a self-defense case, and you can kill up a whole family (of any race) who's just on vacation at Disney World in Florida, and get off on a technicality--

Because you were just "standing your ground".


See how that works?

Well Zimmerman said it was GOD's WILL, even though Trayvon, who was a 16 year old kid only 3 weeks before his murder-- a kid who might have even died a virgin for all we know, since he was only on this planet for 16 years and 3 weeks-- This high school kid DIED from a bullet in his HEART-- not his thigh, leg, butt, arm or foot-- his HEART-- which is called "A SHOT TO KILL".

 Just for walking home from the store, minding his own business, talkin' on the phone to a friend, doing nothing wrong, wearing middle class clothes, in a middle class neighborhood, with middle class merchandise in his pocket, that he bought lawfully, like normal middle class people do. But Zimmerman snuffed this kids life out just. like. that. With NO regard for human life.

Yet Zimmerman said that he "wouldn't do anything different"?--


But what will GOD say? The court of heaven awaits Zimmerman, as it does for all of us. Zimmerman will have to testify in front of many witnesses, and Trayvon will finally get to testify on his own behalf, and finally have his voice be heard as it is, not as his murderer twists it to be.

There will be NO stacked "conflicted" white jurors, lazy, incompetent prosecution or dense, evidence withholding judge, at the judgement seat of GOD. Because unlike half of America-- Heaven doesn't do racist things or judge others based on how much they remind them of themselves.

Or have "confusing juror instructions".

The hot, red, flaming fire of hell will be your home, George Zimmerman-- as it will be for you Casey Anthony, and for you The Ramseys, and for all the other lying manipulative sociopathic kid-killers just like you all.

Yeah you all got away with it for now, cause the law is retarded, doesn't care about kids, even toddlers and babies, and just straight-up HATES teenage boys, then hates (and irrationally fears) dark-skinned teenage boys even more, thinks of young people as animals, and dark-skinned young people as "scary" animals, based on NOTHING but a history of racist lies perpetrated by the media to brainwash Whites against Blacks-- and the prosecution didn't do their jobs, the judge wouldn't let all the evidence in, and the jury wasn't all that bright... Yes we know--

The system is broken.

Lucky you.

You lucky, unforgivable murdering bastards.

I hope Dexter Morgan finds you all, wherever you're vacationing right now, and he totally ruins your day. Makes you suffer. Before he makes you disappear forever.

But even if that doesn't happen-- All of you will rot in hell one day, yes all of you will burn for all eternity-- Which is the punishment that all you kid-killers deserve for murdering our youth before they even have all the worldly knowledge and life experience to know how to survive predators like you-- Because they were easy targets for you calculated monsters-- and in death, got put on trial for their own murders-- You filthy, rotten, ugly, putrid, disgusting, repulsive, poor excuses for human life.

You will burn.

You will all burn in hell.

And we will ALL applaud.

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